Thursday, October 18, 2007

Book Discussion Group

Water for Elephants is a newer book by Sara Gruen. Written in 2006, this is a story of a man's life in the circus during the 30's. Needing a job and something to eat, Jacob Jankowski jumps a train only to discover he has landed himself in the middle of a circus train. If that isn't fodder for a story....

Monday, October 1, 2007

Looking for a good mystery

There is a part of me that wants to find a good mystery to read. Something that grabs me, has a literary value to it, by that I mean good writing. Must be nostalgia. I remember my Agatha Christie days, or years, when any novel that I picked up by her was just right. I have tried various authors, Martin Cruz Smith comes to mind with his Gorky Park. I did read a few of his novels. I also read John LeCarre for awhile, but didn't continue. I picked up a copy of the first Richard Jury novels by Martha Grimes, and I think I might be onto something. Because it helps me to listen I tried to find, The Man with a Load of Mischief in audio, and that didn't happen. so now I am listening to Grave Maurice and slowly reading the first Richard Jury novel. It's the anglophile in me I guess.